Logan County Courthouse Dome

Lincoln , Illinois


General Contractor, Installer

the Durable Restoration Company
columbus, Ohio

Ornamental Sheet Metal Fabricator

Chicago Metal Supply & Fabrication Inc.
chicago, Illinois

Ornamental Sheet Metal Fabricator

Heather and Little Ltd.
Markham, Ontario

General Contractor

Masonry Restoration Technologies & Services, LLC
Lima, Ohio

Work on the Logan County Courthouse – built in Lincoln, Ill., during the 1890s – included the comprehensive restoration of the dome structure, as well as work on associated decorative elements such as the oversized, highly ornamented, copper-clad clocks. Durable Restoration completed the installation, with multiple ornamental elements as well as radius cornice work fabricated off site by Heather & Little, and Chicago Metal Supply (another firm completed restoration of the cupola atop the dome). Using 20-ounce copper that matched the original material, the team devised and installed a complex system of double-lock folded copper sections with pleated valleys to accommodate thermal movement and alleviate associated stresses. This new design recreated the dome’s original aesthetics while providing a durable, functional solution.

Photo Credit: Kyle Tracy

Photo Credit: Kyle Tracy

Photo Credit: Kyle Tracy

Photo Credit: Kyle Tracy

Photo Credit: Bill Waters