Building & Home Owners

There is no safe level of lead in drinking water, yet millions of lead pipes are still in service across North America.

Lead pipes present a serious water quality threat and health risk, as old lead service lines can be a significant source of elevated lead levels in drinking water. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), lead is a serious neurotoxin and can cause irreparable brain damage, especially for children and pregnant women.

Individuals who live in areas where lead is an issue should take steps to minimize their exposure. The only permanent solution to lead in water contamination is to replace all lead piping.‎ Since it is usually buried well underground, it is not easy to access or replace if there are problems, and problems can be quite expensive in terms of not only the cost of repair, but also the quality of water and its effect on health. Poor choices here can mean costly replacement later.


Copper: The Right Choice for Water Service Lines

service_line_false_economy_fact_sheet.png Lead was once the prefered material for water service line installations. Copper and other materials have since taken its place in new construction, as well as in routine replacement. Discover why copper is now the most widely used plumbing material in the developed world. READ MORE

The False Initial Cost Economy

service_line_false_economy_fact_sheet.png An analysis of the cost comparisons for replacing lead service lines is examined based on the life cycle cost and the total cost of ownership. READ MORE

Health Effects and Safe Drinking Water: The Real Story

service_line_false_economy_fact_sheet.png Even though copper is regulated by the US EPA Lead and Copper Rule, its consumption is necessary for human health. The ingestion of lead, on the other hand, poses real, chronic health risks. READ MORE

Advocacy Resources

Property owners should check with their area’s water department to see if a replacement program already exists, what subsidies exist (if any), and if registration is required. Beyond replacement, individuals may also turn to advocacy to initiate or accelerate lead replacement. Click here to download our free template on fostering community awareness about the benefits of copper. 

Write Your City Officials and Legislators

service_line_false_economy_fact_sheet.png Encourage your local, city, or state to enact municipality-scale replacement programs. If an area already has a replacement program, you can encourage officials to distribute short-term solutions such as bottled water or filters. Click here to download our free template.

Submit a Letter to the Editor

letter writingLocal media outlets can be exceptionally influential on public opinion. By helping educate them on pipe replacement programs, it may increase the likelihood of a municipality taking action. Click here to download our free template.