September 23, 2016
CDA Is Helping to Bring Motors and Drives Classes to Locations throughout the U.S.
NEW YORK, NY— The Copper Development Association (CDA) is once again partnering with Advanced Energy to sponsor day-long motors and drives classes throughout the United States. These classes will bring technical experts to facilities in order to educate staff on motor management best practices.
CDA’s Sustainable Energy Program works to educate the industry about proper motor management and the benefits of the copper rotor motor. High-efficiency copper motors, coupled with a proper management plan, can result in significant energy savings. A motor management program examines a facility’s need to repair or replace an old worn-out motor or to specify a new, more efficient unit.
“Electric motors are one of the hardest working yet least cared for industrial tools in the workplace,” said Zolaikha Strong, Director of CDA’s Sustainable Energy Program. “We have worked with Advanced Energy for many years to ensure that facility staff understand how to save time, energy and money with the latest motor management expertise.”
The workshops will be taking place in San Antonio, Memphis and Baltimore this fall. This unique training combines classroom instruction and hands-on activities. The one-day session seeks to educate industrial professionals about all of the tools they need to begin a motor management program, create a proper motor inventory and develop repair and replacement guidelines. Professional development hours and continuing education credits are available.
“Electric motors account for an estimated 50 percent of all electricity generated in the world,” said Kitt Butler, Sr. Program Manager, Motors and Drives for Advanced Energy. “We’ve worked with CDA for many years promoting the value of motor efficiency through workshops like these, and with applied research by testing motors in our lab. We are pleased to have the opportunity to continue partnering with our friends and colleagues at CDA to spread the word of the value that sound motor management planning offers the industry.”
To find best practices, case studies and videos on the copper rotor motor or on motor management, visit For more information on Advanced Energy, please visit or contact Kitt Butler at [email protected].